
Black and whit make concentration

Someone says that black and white proves the value of concision and brings most multiple of beauties from the easiest. Technically, although complex is also a beauty, and has no contrast with the concision, aesthetically, the easier, more capable to be read repeatedly, because it does not bring boring feeling, but meaningful. Some years ago, young people were not interested in the black and white photos of Tarkovsky,, however, whatever the plot of movie is so elusory, the images are impressively beautiful. In this colorful film times, this special beauty seems to disappear; fortunately, cameraman still uses the concision in the still life shooting.

This photo connects reader with Bresson’s classical works with strong solute.

This is one of the best-known classical works, and there are many initiations recent years to show the unusual charming. The simplest color graduation and level perfect matches with the multi-level elements. 

Using photo editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful. And you can try some interesting functions of photo editor, like adding a photo frame. If you want to give your photos that unique feel that makes them stand out from the crowd, try using its photo effects tool.

Multi-poses Photos

Portrait Photos of Edward Weston
The portrait photos of Edward Weston have profound impact. By using classic art expression ways, his works is considered perfect in the obsolete readers’ eyes.

The influence of Cameraman Robert Mapplethorpe
His works has obvious style, like combining the people with the mountains to form symbolistic expression way that is imitated and improved by inferiors. From the artistic angle, the aim is not different from Edward Weston, but it is full of hints in the shooting that do not lose the beauty.
Hot style of Fashionable master Ellen Von Unwerth
Her works is hot and is good at make attractive details that are just the focus of men so as to achieve much applause. Here implicit is not the necessary element on the aesthetic standard, but the allure and straightness is more suitable for the interest of the fashionable Vanity Fair, and even the stilted and deliberate show, like the following black hair and red lip, that maybe can’t attract the people’s attention, but it is enough for magazine.  

Using photo editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful. And you can try some interesting functions of photo editor, like photo montage. If you want to conceal a part of your photo, try using its photo mosaics tool.


If there is person enjoying your happiness, the happiness becomes double. You can try to add this feeling into photo.
Skills: 85mm | f1.8 | 1s |ISO 400 | RAW
Model: Anne Florian
Image Processing: contrast and optional colors
Cameraman: Kathy Hennig

They were sitting near the campfire to feel the warmth of fire and think, so they did not notice I was slightly going away to take my camera. When shooting, the campfire became an unique and valuable light source which has soft lights. At that time Annie sat close to the campfire. If you wish to take this kind of colorful photo, you just need to change the white balance to 2000. Tripod is necessary, because it needs a long time exposure.
When process the RAW document, you also can adjust the white balance. Improve the photo by using  photo editor's photo enhancement tool.

Campfire sentiment: snap the warm, thinking and relaxed feelings when shooting, meanwhile, the photo deals with the bad light situation. Tripod is the key. Of course, photo editing is also very important.

If you want to cut out part of the source image that you don't want to keep, you can  use photo crop to cut your photo in any height and width you would like.


It is easy to snap the negative emotions in the documentary photos, but it is not easy to shoot the planned uncomfortable emotions.

Skills: 50mm | f3.5 |1/125s | ISO 100 |RAW
Model: Stana
Image processing: saturation and color graduation
Cameraman: Michel Pa Pondick

The fully blank background perfect set off the theme of the photo that is the model’s helpless and lonely feelings. Set up the camera higher when shoot so that the model looks smaller and the model’s looking-up and humble eyes and the make-up face impact the theme. The quite bright light causes blur surrounding of the model, so readers only focus the model’s black eyes and red lip that looks like floating on the photo.

Model has perfect performance and she really burst into tears when shoot. It is helpful for photo to slightly rub model’s eyes and then water her face. However, model needs to completely trust the cameraman and have enough courage so that she can ferment proper emotion that will be taken in the photo.

Using photo editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful. And you can try some interesting functions of photo editor, like adding a photo frame. If you want to cut out part of the source image that you don't want to keep, you can use photo crop to cut your photo in any height and width you would like.


When documentary encounters wedding dress (2)

"Authenticity" is just a relative concept in the field of the business wedding dress photography, it is not an absolute sense of authenticity but a kind of aesthetic sense of authenticity, that is to say, whether a work can give a person with sense of authenticity not directly depends on the fact itself but more depends on our photographing way.
Design first, then realize
Documentary style of wedding dress photography is not the creative photographing of capturing "decisive moment", but a commercial photographing mode through fully advance design, the establishment of the previous period of photographing conception and photographing project is the key to success.
Generally speaking, the previous design of the traditional style wedding dress photos has significant difference with the previous design of the documentary style wedding dress photo in the concrete treatment and emphasis point. The key lies in: the focus of the documentary style wedding dress photo is the final scene effect, to get the feeling that we want on the basis of the strict arrangement and fine design, this is the key to win the recognition of the market.

The realization in the development of commercial samples
For the technical team which are committed to the development of documentary style wedding dress photo, it is a key problem to be solved that how to make their products have a certain degree of replicability.

From the current market pattern, documentary style wedding dress photo is increasingly showing its popular potentiality. But there comes the problem, the development of samples of the wedding dress photo company, or the business photographing activities of the wedding photography company all face a problem of " bulk replicability", this will be a difficult point in the photographing practice of the  documentary wedding dress photo.

Using photo editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful. And you can try some interesting functions of photo editor, like photo montage. If you want to conceal a part of your photo, try using its photo mosaics tool. 

When documentary encounters wedding dress (1)

The evolution of the style
For the production of documentary photography, it can be said that the western wedding photography is its source of inspiration, the improvement of consumers’ living standard and the increasingly frequent contact European wedding constitute the market foundation of the realization of this kind of style.

The whole photographing idea of the documentary style wedding photos tends to the creation of scene feeling, which tries to give a person with more natural, more friendly, more tender and more true feeling. From the photography technology level, documentary style photography tends to simulate the real scene realistically as far as possible, from the creation of shadow effect to the design and capture of character’s action, it pursues a sense of reality and recording. With the reference to the principle of documentary photography, the photographers try to put the angle in the objective position, try not to interfere the subjects as far as possible, try to give the subjects the space to express free emotion so as to give the scene more rich and naturalized style. In specific operation, the photographers hope they can show the so-called "critical moment", they try to capture the critical scenes and critical moments as well as character’s critical action-this is different from the traditional sense of static "beauty appearance" and "manner", so the final effect also appears more vivid and lively. 


The emphasized "authenticity" of documentary photography style mainly refers to a kind of authenticity on the emotion and atmosphere, it captures with the aid of a realistic scene effect and natural, vivid character’ expression to realize a kind of scene feeling with true feeling. 

Using photo editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful. And you can try some interesting functions of photo editor, like adding a photo frame. If you want to give your photos that unique feel that makes them stand out from the crowd, try using its photo effects tool.


Simply Analyze the Shooting Idea from a Photo

How to take the photos with unique colors and composition?

Skill 1: Ways of composition in photos 1, 2 and 3
The above photo contains three elements, so it looks more comfortable by people’s sight. The elements are children, humming birds and sea wave.

Skill 2: Use the foreground
Cameraman uses the humming birds and stones as the foreground to set off the children and sea wave.

Skill 3: Diagonal composition
Composition is very important for a good photo. We make the foreground on the diagonal place of the image and the whole photo is livelier. If you try to make the stone and humming birds at the lower part, the whole effect will be dull.

Skill 4: Add special feelings in after-stage
If we use common DSLR to take photo, the feeling of photo maybe is not perfect, so we need to use Photoshop or Lightroom to change the colors (adding some green), increase the contrast and saturation and add four black corners so as to achieve LOMO feeling. 


Using photo editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful. And you can try some interesting functions of photo editor, like photo montage. If you want to conceal a part of your photo, try using its photo mosaics tool. 


Three Methods to Avoid Bad Background (2)

There are three primary methods to decrease the bad background.

1. Shelter the bad background with large area of bright tone or dark tone

We can shelter the muss background with the bright tone which is made of the dust in the foggy day or in the backlights so as to extrude the main part. Likewise, we also can shelter the background with the dark tone in the backlights or side backlights.

Aperture: F4; Exposure time: 1/50s; ISO: 400; Focal distance: 35mm. Correctly make exposure to the foreground with backlights and the background will be in the area of exposure.

Aperture: F2.8; Exposure time: 1/400s; ISO: 400; Focal distance: 35mm. Shelter the background with large area of shade to extrude the interesting main part.

2. Use the control focus to virtual the bad background

This method can make background not be too extrusive so as to decrease the effect of bad background.

3. Simplify the bad background with telephoto lens

Because the telephoto lens has characteristics of narrow virtual angle and small area of image, we can remove this imperfect background out of the image.

Aperture: F5.6; Exposure time: 1/320s; ISO: 100; Focal distance: 55mm. Simplify the background naturally with big aperture and small depth-of-field.
Aperture: F5.6; Exposure time: 1/800s; ISO: 200; Focal distance: 200mm. Remove almost the bad background out of the image with telephoto lens to extrude the main part.

Big aperture can virtual the background, but telephoto lens also can achieve the good virtual effect by controlling the distance between the cameras with the subjects and the distance between the subjects with the background.

Using photo editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful. And you can try some interesting functions of photo editor, like adding a photo frame. If you want to give your photos that unique feel that makes them stand out from the crowd, try using its photo effects tool.

Three Methods to Avoid Bad Background (1)

For the extrusive background which hampers the main part and can’t avoid, we only can to decrease the effects to the people’s visual. So what are the three methods to solve this problem?

Strengthen the good background
Any background which is helpful to express the main part should be strengthened. Except giving the important role to this good background in composition, we also can use big depth-of-field to make clearer background to directly become an important part in the composition. However, when we meet these situations, such as too muss background, unnecessary subjects, not perfect color of background, etc. we need to decrease the effects of background so as not to make it too extrusive and harsh.

1.     Aperture: F8; Exposure time: 1/1000s; ISO: 200; Focal distance: 200mm. Take photos with telephoto lens so that the far and near signs do not have big differences and the space and distance are not too obvious.

2.     Aperture: F4.5; Exposure time: 1/2000s; ISO: 800; Focal distance: 200mm. The LOGO is very important in news images, so keep back clearly with the small aperture.

3.     Aperture: F4; Exposure time: 1/200s; ISO: 800; Focal distance: 24mm. Although the signs stand in the primary location, the main part in the foreground has lost because of the muss colors and lines in the background.


Using photo editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful. And you can try some interesting functions of photo editor, like adding a photo frame. If you want to give your photos that unique feel that makes them stand out from the crowd, try using its photo effects tool.


Teach You How to Shoot Children More Natural

Today there are two experts teaching you how to shoot children more natural and children’s most vivid expression.

Q from Lu Feng:

What is the focusing when shooting baby who move here and there all the time, especially the baby’s big eyes?

A: Simple color is very important.
It is not wise to add many colors in the image to show baby’s perfect skin. After they are full and awake, their expressions are very affluent. To give people deep impression on the baby’s big eyes, you can slightly positive twist the face in post production, you can try photo editor online.

Q by mamaF; I like to snap when she plays free, so what is the composition?

A: Details decides the results.
This photo has bright color and nature expression. But it does not extrude the theme that she is blowing bubbles, and it is good to show the relationship between the bubbles with the person. So you should shoot in the backlight and more simple and dark background (shady trees, etc.) to extrude the person and bubbles, and shoot the side posture of blowing bubbles and slightly brighten the children’s skin, you can do it by photo editor's photo enhancement tool.

Q by Honmei
Baby is running in the flowers. So, how to show the children’s simplicity?

A by Liu Yan: tone of photo can be more saturated.
The expression and figure of the girl in the photo are not nature and harmonious. You can try to make the photo more saturated to achieve more fantastic effect. 

The Unusual Way in Taking Photos

Now everybody has opportunities to take photos. In so many photos, how to become the distinctive photos? We should think about it. If there is a secret to improve the skills of taking impressive photos, the secret is that “walk the unusual way”.
If you draw up to take photos of a common subject with a common angle in a common time, your photo must be common.

Everyone hopes his photo is distinctive and attracts people’s attention. But most people forget this point in the exterior photos. Maybe some people consider it, but they are affected by the passers-by and give up the original location and angle with which they probably can take good photos.

Have a try in your next exterior photos:

1.      First of all, take photos as usual. And force you to take photos from different angles. You can lie on the ground, climb the tree or walk to the other side.
2.      Do not fear to use your equipments (tripod, SLR camera, etc.) in the public places. Of course, you do not violate any law. But do not give up your photos in the strange sight of passers-by. Be bold for it. You will be happy when you go home to see your photos in your computer.
3.      When you arrive to a new place, do not rush to run to scenery, or you will lose some opportunities of taking photos. Be notice of the gate, railings, people and other things on the road. You will find that the best photo is not Eiffel Tower in Paris but a man drinking black coffee behind the hotel.
4.      Do not forget to do yourself as model. When you come to a picturesque place, it is livelier to add a person in the photo. Do not hesitate to take your tripod and do yourself as model to take a photo.
5.      At last, make fun with taking photos. When you break the usual rules and enjoy yourself, your photo will achieve the same affection. Rules are dull. So walking an unusual way is everything you need to do.


Using photo editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful. And you can try some interesting functions of photo editor, like photo montage. If you want to conceal a part of your photo, try using its photo mosaics tool.

Flexibly Use the Aperture to Make Your Photos More Beautiful

Generally speaking, the subjects of foreground and background in scenery photos should both be taken clearly. Compared with telephoto lens, wide-angle lens can make bigger depth of focus; compared with big aperture, small aperture can bigger depth of focus. And correctly focusing is very important. We all know that the smaller the aperture is, the bigger the depth of focus is, and the clearer the photos are. So, people often use small aperture, like f/16 and f/22. However, if the aperture is too much small, it will damage the definition of photos because of a light reaction named diffraction.

Diffraction defines easily that when the lights come across the lens aperture, the lens edge will disperse the lights. The smaller the aperture is, the bigger the proportion of diffraction recorded in the lights is, and the more indistinct the photo is so that the less the details show in the photo.

In the following situation, you can see the diffraction. The aperture of ASP-C sensor camera changes to f/11 or the aperture of all photo sensor changes to f/16.
To express the diffractions in different apertures, we will show series of photos in f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22. Focusing and whole exposure are changeless, and just the size of aperture are changeable. The after processing of all photos is used the same software and install.

When the aperture is f/8, all sceneries in the photo are clear and the trees in the background is also good; when the aperture is f/11, the sceneries are good, but as the aperture changes smaller and the depth of focus changes bigger, the sceneries become more indistinct and the details are less bright. This is a big issue in scenery photos, especially in big size photos. The misty plant is just the reason why the scenery photo is unsuccessful.

Using photo editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful. And you can try some interesting functions of photo editor, like photo montage. If you want to cut out part of the source image that you don't want to keep, you can use photo crop to cut your photo in any height and width you would like.


Ten features of good photos (2)

6. Shooting something special
The special things can always catch one's eye. To make pictures interesting, you should find different things. For example in Hong Kong, Chinese style or western-style wedding are very common. So you should go to shoot India's wedding. As the colored drawing or pattern, or the Indian wedding in the picture below can make your (specific) audience find everything new and fresh.
7. Coordinate opposition

Putting the opposite things in concept together to shoot can build strong effect, and it also let photos become interesting. For example, show the beautiful wedding in the open space outside, which supposed to be displayed indoor. Or the picture below, pure white new and marriage gauze compare to the Wall Street graffiti photos, also let photo more intriguing.

         8. Unique light and color

 Excellent light is necessary element in all the pictures. Looking for a good light and color is more important work to the photographer. Such as the bulb, using fountain as a background, and manufacturing silhouette through the light. And the picture below produced light graffiti before the hotel. It makes photos become interesting and pleasing to the eye.

9. Showing ignored fine point

This is a fast food, rapid times, whether shooting or exercise; people always pursue way of “reach the standard" and "fast and accurate". They only focus on emphasis. So the things of left people’s focus and seen after you stop will become outstanding works. For example the location of the wedding rings in e bulb or the desktop layout in the picture below. Both are beautiful scenery. It is easy to be ignored but is worth to shoot.

10. Taking different angles

Most people are based on an inertial point to watch the world, even when shooting. So willing to plummet grovel low photography often can break out of it. Such as the background in the bulb, it is actually on the head of couple, and such as the picture below, it is a photo that photographer shoot at 16 floor, these photos will bring different impact.
         Such as the background in the bulb, it is actually on the head of couple, and such as the picture below, it is a photo that photographer shoot at 16 floor, these photos will bring different impact.

You will find that these elements are not only high equipment can give you, the most important thing is you can use your eyes, hands, feet, head, and constantly try and fail will to get it. But of course, in addition to these elements, you can explore more possibility, shooting more personal style of the works.

Use photo editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful. And you can try some interesting function of photo editorlike shape collage,Valentine is coming, you also add a Valentine clip for your photo.

Ten features of good photos(1)

What kind of photo is a good photo? How to make satisfactory works? I believe that is the questions of most shutterbugs. What is "good" really a little subjective, a picture can't make everyone feel perfectbut it is not without foundation. Advice from SLR Lounge wedding photographer Pye. If you can do the following characteristics, your pictures  really can leave a good impression to people, and it is really worth reference.
1. Excellent composition
Whether the three points method, parallel, guide line and so on, good composition is necessary skills of good works. It can extrude the main body and increase the readability of pictures. People can understand the content of the picture easier. Such as the three points method used in the bulb.One-third of a ground and two-thirds of sky, and the bridegroom bride's parallel composition make work looks natural and pleasing to the eye.
The spiral guide line was used in the picture below. The plan to use the spiral guide line, the audience is easy to follow composition and focuse on the bride,The work is very bright. We should observe different excellent composition methods  Because there are many composition methods, and  We should also learn the skill to establish a solid composition habit and foundation.
2. Catching emotion
Emotion is the powerful language in people communication, the more you can capture the mood, you can affect the heart of the audience better. Such as the matron's honour excited mood in the bulb, or the father and daughter laugh in the picture below make work better. So we should always observe the object's mood.
 For example, it is a good time to shoot when eveyone laugh after hearing interesting jokes.
3. Picture tell the story
Works can tell stories are always good works, we can reference to a lot of documentary or news photographer photographs, they both can brought out people's motives and behavior, background, interactive or feelings when cutting. (photo have action or interactive  is easy to do). For example a matron of honour help her daughter to wear shoes in the bulb andthe bride  throw ball-flower to other single girl all is  workof strong story.
4. Keeping imaginary space
Pictures can provide enough information to speak the complete story is a good method. But  such as the novel to the movie, it can not show all the content and keep space. It let a person with imagination replenish the content of the story, but it is always more attractive. For example, two people hug inside the telephone booth in the bulb. You can’t see what they are doing, laugh? Chat? kiss? This kind of stay in suspense blank photos can let people imagine more.
The photo below was taken with a couple of feet. It shows respectively and relationship between them, but it also keep enough space to let people imagine and interpretate.
5. Capturing landmark moment
Just like famous scenes in a movie, each activity or event all have some of the iconic moments, or some action. They will have strong symbolic significance. These works will be impressive. For example, the girls in the bulb are waiting for service in hair salons, they hair salons to read and talk. It is typical and interesting picture. And for example, the picture below is a couple was leaving by chance another older couples in front. the contrast has quite a strong symbolic significance. Pay more attention to this kind of work, you can learn more similar subjects and methods.

Use photo editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful. And you can try some interesting function of photo editorlike photo montage,Valentine is coming, you also add a Valentine clip for your photo.