
Five points of clearness and sharpness(1)

1. Provide enough stability for the camera
No matter in what photographing environment, first step is to hold the camera stably to photograph clear photos, if you think that stability is poor, you can try to make the camera close to body and clamp arms, if the situation is available, it is a good way to use viewfinder. Or lean the body on the near solid stable objects, it may be rail, pillar, etc.to let the photography achieve better stability. You can also try to stop breathing at the moment of pressing the shutter, it also help to reduce the shaking of the camera.
Certainly the most foolproof method is to use the tripod and shutter release for photographing, but when usee the tripod you should also want to notice whether the surrounding environment is stable, and whether the tripod is strong enough or not.
2, Achieve balance between the high ISO and safety shutter
If it is in the situation of insufficient light, you must pay attention to safety shutter, safety shutter refers to the "1/lens focal length", for example, if you use the 100 mm focal length for photographing, then the shutter speed in 1/100 s or faster is the so-called safety shutter.
If there is no auxiliary of the tripod and the aperture has turned to maximum, then you can try to increase ISO to improve the shutter speed. But you have to be careful that if the interference of noisy points follows the high ISO, too many noisy points can affect the quality of the scene and make the imaging loose. As for you ask what is the limit of high ISO, this is determined by the camera’s level decision, some ISO 800 is the limit, some ISO 3200 quality of scene is still get up easily.

Using photo editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful. And you can try some interesting functions of photo editor, like photo montage. If you want to conceal a part of your photo, try using its photo mosaics tool.

