It is easy to snap the negative emotions in the
documentary photos, but it is not easy to shoot the planned uncomfortable
Skills: 50mm | f3.5
|1/125s | ISO 100 |RAW
Model: Stana
Image processing:
saturation and color graduation
Cameraman: Michel Pa
fully blank background perfect set off the theme of the photo that is the model’s
helpless and lonely feelings. Set up the camera higher when shoot so that the
model looks smaller and the model’s looking-up and humble eyes and the make-up
face impact the theme. The quite bright light causes blur surrounding of the
model, so readers only focus the model’s black eyes and red lip that looks like
floating on the photo.
has perfect performance and she really burst into tears when shoot. It is
helpful for photo to slightly rub model’s eyes and then water her face.
However, model needs to completely trust the cameraman and have enough courage
so that she can ferment proper emotion that will be taken in the photo.
Using photo
editor to post product your photo can make your work more beautiful.
And you can try some interesting functions of photo editor, like adding a photo frame. If you want to cut out part of the
source image that you don't want to keep, you can use photo crop to cut your
photo in any height and width you would like.